A Story Inspired by "Somewhere Over the Rainbow /
What a Wonderful World"

Cameron Kids/Abrams
(pub.10.6.2020) 32 pages
Author: Alexandria Giardino
Illustrator: Penelope Dullaghan
Character: Inspired by songs sung by Israel Kamakawiwo‘ole
Overview: "The day the baby boy was born, on a beautiful Hawaiian island, the world sang him a lullaby. What a good song. But what is the good song? The boy listens for it and finds it in his heart and shares it with the world. Inspired by the medley of the classic songs 'Over the Rainbow' and 'What a Wonderful World' sung by Hawaiian singer Israel Kamakawiwo‘ole, the good song is aloha—love." Tantalizing taste:
"After dinner, everyone played music together.
Their songs filled the night, along with the wind,
the rain, and the waves.
'This is aloha,' Grandpa said. 'This is love.'
Iz wanted to join in.
He strummed Uncle Moe Keale's old ukulele.
It was held together with bubble gum, but Iz didn't care."
And something more: THE GOOD SONG was a finalist for the 2020 NCBR Young Children's Literature Award.
Alexandria Giardino suggests podcasts to support Native Hawaiian storytellers: nativestories.org; hawaiipeoplesfund.org; nativeseedpod.org
And the author donates a portion of proceeds to a Hawaiian medical clinic that IZ long supported: Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center.