A Story of Ella Jenkins -
The First Lady of Children's Music
Chronicle Books

60 pages
Ages 5 -8
Author: Traci N. Todd
Illustrator: Eleanor Davis
Character: Ella Jenkins
"Ella Jenkins is an American folk singer and living legend dubbed 'The First Lady of Children’s Music.' For nearly 70 years, she has been writing and performing music that has entertained and engaged generations of young listeners. In Make a Pretty Sound, Ella’s life and legacy are captured in vibrant sights, sounds, and stories that leap right off the page.
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, and raised in Chicago, Ella grew up loving music of all kinds—the call-and-response of Cab Calloway, the exciting rhythms of Moroccan and Indian records spun in a local record shop, the bluesy notes her uncle teased from his harmonica. She listened to music from around the world, and no matter what language it was in, she could feel what it meant—the bridge in understanding and feeling that music offers from one heart to another.
When she began working with children, she knew just what to do. She knew music would offer children a kinetic learning experience that engaged them physically, verbally, and empathetically, creating community out of song. Soon, she was recording her own albums and became an international star."
Tantalizing taste:
"She tells the children to watch. To listen.
To clap, smack, pop, and paaah!,
each in their own way.
Over their music
in a voice sweet and clear,
Ella sings
songs the children know,
songs she makes up on the spot,
songs her mother hummed
while her brother jabbed at air.
Songs about growing up in Bronzeville,
about whistling with the birds.
And all at once,
all at once,
Ella knows:
It is time to go home.
And something more: The About Ella Jenkins section explains that "Ella's career has spanned nearly 70 years and touched generations of children and their grown-ups. In the earliest days of her career, she introduced young children of many ethnicities to the beauty and power of Black music and of music from all over the world. In 2004, the Recording Academy recognized her accomplishments with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Awards, and in 2005, the album cELLAbration: A Tribute to Ella Jenkins won a Grammy for Best Musical Album for Children. In 2023, she turned 99 years old - what a life she has lived!"
How Engineer Raye Montague
Revolutionized Shipbuilding

Little, Brown for Young Readers
40 pages
Ages 4 - 8
Author: Jennifer Swanson
Illustrator: Veronica Miller Jamison
Character: Raye Montague
"Girls like Raye Montague weren’t supposed to like math or science, or go to engineering school. But tenacious Raye had a plan, one that eventually took her all the way to the US Navy. There, she was assigned an impossible task: to come up with a single computer program that could design every part of a ship. It had never been done before—but Raye’s groundbreaking program revolutionized the way ships and submarines were built, and set her on a path to become a pioneering figure in naval engineering and the navy’s first female program manager of ships.."
Tantalizing taste:
"In just eighteen hours and twenty-six minutes, Raye's new program built the first ever comprehensive ship design.
No one thought a woman could do it.
No one thought a Black woman could do it.
But Raye Montague became the first person to do it."
And something more: The author, Jennifer Swanson, shared in the Author's Note: "I was honored to interview Raye in 2017. Listening to her speaking about her accomplishments was amazing ... and quite humbling. Raye's passion and sheer determination to succeed in spite of the many obstacles placed in her path because of her race, her sex, and her lack of training came through in every story she told ...
As a 1990 graduate of the US Naval Academy (only the eleventh class that included women), I experienced a tiny bit of what Raye went through, struggling to be recognized as the USNA adjusted to life with women on campus. I am proud to have served in the US Navy and hope I broke some small barriers along the way."
Walt Whitman's Extraordinary Service
in the American Civil War

Calkins Creek
(Astra Books for Young Readers)
(pub. 9.17.2024)
40 pages
Ages 7 -10
Author: Gary Golio
Illustrator: E. B. Lewis
Character: Walt Whitman
" In December of 1862, Walt Whitman left Brooklyn, New York, for the war-torn South after seeing his brother's name on a list of wounded Union soldiers. What he found on the battlefields completely changed his life, as he came face to face with not only the wounded, but the dying.
Whitman spent the next three years working part-time in Washington, DC, visiting and ministering to soldiers in the city’s many military hospitals. Caring for the sick and dying was not easy, but Whitman was committed to his chosen service. He became known as 'the soldiers’ friend,' and was bound—in his own way—to save and heal the America he wrote about and loved so deeply."
Tantalizing taste:
"On nights like those, Walt walked slowly home.
The moon above - a beacon of golden light - shone bright on both the North and South.
On all soldiers, all people.
And on the America that Walt would believe in for the rest of his life.
'The moon gives you light,
And the bugles and the drums give you music.
And my heart, O my soldiers, my veterans,
My heart gives you love.'-
-Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass"
And something more: The section titled The Best of Friends explains: "Walt's example of service during the Civil war is a story of what one person can do. He believed completely in the ideals that America stood for - friendship, equality, freedom, unity - and felt torn apart as his country was overcome by hatred and fear... he had the personal gifts - patience, compassion, an easygoing way with pepole - that wouold prove useful in heping the wounded... Walt felt that he receive much more than he ever gave, and called his service 'the greatest privilege and satisfaction ... and, of course, the most profound lesson of my life.'"